Friday, August 26, 2016

Post automatically to Facebook groups.

After you have been selling online long enough to learn to post to Facebook groups, you are also going to see how time consuming this is. It may have become time for an auto poster! (Not that far yet? New to online sales? Try this link instead..
Auto posters come in various types, complexity and cost but will load your list of 'groups' on Facebook (and sometimes other social media platforms) and post your advertisements for you.

You will come across a mix between admiration and need for a 'auto poster' and distaste for the use of them.

When used in conjunction with proper networking, they can save you a ton of time. Some people tend to frown on the use of a auto poster because it takes the 'connection' and personal touch from the post. You have more and more 'networking' groups popping up where they want YOU to participate, not 'fake post' lol

You will want at least 100+ groups to utilize and you will want to post only to about 40 groups a day to avoid Facebook Jail.


Contact us with questions =D

1 comment:

  1. To do multi posting in different groups with a single click you can use this Facebook Auto poster software
